
Quality Compressors: What to Look For

Quality CompressorsRemanufactured compressors can be a great investment for any business with heavy duty cooling and refrigeration needs. Done right, the remanufacturing process ensures you will get quality and longevity comparable to buying an all-new compressor.

If you’re looking for a new commercial compressor, a remanufactured unit may be your best bet. Although a remanufactured compressor is not 100% new, it is painstakingly restored to “like new” condition in the hands of a skilled remanufacturing team.

Plus, the savings and environmental benefits you get from a remanufactured compressor can be significant.

The question: How can you be sure you are really getting a quality product?

Here’s what to look for.

1. Get Good Answers to All Your Questions

As with any major purchase, be sure you get complete answers to all your questions. Making sound decisions about any industrial air condintioning or refrigeration compressor starts by understanding the difference between a rebuilt and a truly remanufactured unit.

A rebuilt compressor is one where only major repairs have been made. Worn out components are removed and replaced, but there is no guarantee the new components will work better. They may also be old or damaged.

In fact, rebuilders sometimes use discarded parts from the junkyard!

On the other hand, a remanufactured unit is carefully restored to meet OEM specifications. The most reputable remanufacturers exclusively use new high qulity parts that have a proven track record of reliability. When questioning a team, be sure they start by stripping the unit completely down and starting with a bare compressor.

2. Find the Remanufacturing Sticker or Tag

A good remanufacturing process includes plenty of documentation. In theory, you can verify all of the steps taken by the remanufacturer and ensure they stack up to the latest standards. That all starts with the stamp or sticker you can find directly on the case.

The sticker generally carries important information including the date of remanufacturing and the serial number. The serial number can be used by the remanufacturer to look up other useful details.

Also, ask about the company’s remanufactured compressor warranty. A warranty covers defects in workmanship that could have developed throughout the process. It can also cover components. A warranty is a sign that the company truly stands by the work it does.

3. Visit Your Remanufacturer for an On-Site Tour

The top remanufacturers in the compressor industry all offer on-site tours. Only a small fraction of customers will ever take them up on the offer. However, if it’s not too long a journey, you should seriously consider it. The way the remanufacturing facility works can tell you a lot!

When you can examine a facility up close, you’ll learn some important details:

  • The extent of the work they are doing
  • The kind of replacement parts they use
  • The remanufacturing process itself

For the highest quality, the remanufacturing environment must be clean, neat, and organized.  Even so, please also be aware that you will be visiting a fully operational facility.  One of the biggest risks during remanufacturing is the possibility that moisture in the workplace will infiltrate into the compressor’s interior systems and cause damage.

Likewise, dirt, dust, and chemical contaminants need to be kept under control.

Although some remanufacturers do not offer tours, it’s a point in their favor when they do.

4. Look Out for Common Compressor Oversights

Buying a remanufactured compressor can be a complex process. Some unscrupulous actors might try to take advantage of your good faith. Before you make a decision, always be alert to the issues that can signal problems with a compressor for sale.

Remember, Looks Can Be Deceiving

If a facility looks clean and orderly, it’s a good sign. However, some compressor rebuilders are too invested in the looks of both their facility as well as the units they sell. They’ll focus on giving a compressor a new paint job instead of paying attention to its internal workings. Expect detailed information on the work that was done, starting with the stamp or tag described above.

All Compressors Should Be Tested

Any complex machine should be tested under real-world conditions before it goes on sale or enters service. While it’s impossible to simulate your exact workplace, remanufactured industrial or commercial compressors should always be tested before being added to inventory and made available to a customer. This testing ensures that you’ll be able to bring them online and get the performance you expect.

Know Who You’re Dealing With

You’ll find many different organizations working with commercial compressors today. Some remanufacture compressors and sell them directly, while others act as third parties. Although the business models may differ, attention to detail and a focus on quality are essential elements. Without them, you can’t be sure you’re getting the reliability you need.

With this information in mind, you’ll be able to zoom in on the key details you need to be sure of before you buy a remanufactured commercial compressor. Find out more about the difference that a thorough compressor remanufacturing process makes in our article.


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